Any shoes in this style besides Vans? I want to rock this style with  different shoes, thinking along the lines air max ultra 97 , any  suggestions ? : r/streetwear

Any shoes in this style besides Vans? I want to rock this style with different shoes, thinking along the lines air max ultra 97 , any suggestions ? : r/streetwear


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Any shoes in this style besides Vans? I want to rock this style with  different shoes, thinking along the lines air max ultra 97 , any  suggestions ? : r/streetwear
Any shoes in this style besides Vans? I want to rock this style with different shoes, thinking along the lines air max ultra 97 , any suggestions ? : r/streetwear

Un total de 4 invitados hicieron comentarios

Lourdes - 2024-06-25

Super super bonita! Buenísima calidad

Shiva - 2024-06-25

muy satisfecha con el producto.

Sonia G. - 2024-06-27

me ha gustado el color, la hechura, para lo que yo esperaba.

Sindy Valenzuela - 2024-06-25

Se adapta perfectamente La entrega fue rápida. Todo es genial

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