Vans And Pixar Are Releasing 'Toy Story' Sneakers And They're Pretty  Awesome | Bored Panda

Vans And Pixar Are Releasing 'Toy Story' Sneakers And They're Pretty Awesome | Bored Panda


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Vans And Pixar Are Releasing 'Toy Story' Sneakers And They're Pretty  Awesome | Bored Panda
Vans And Pixar Are Releasing 'Toy Story' Sneakers And They're Pretty Awesome | Bored Panda

Un total de 4 invitados hicieron comentarios

wibber - 2024-06-26

Me encantan estos muy cómodos y me encanta el color

Sindy Valenzuela - 2024-06-25

Se adapta perfectamente La entrega fue rápida. Todo es genial

Jaume - 2024-06-25

Perfecta y a buen precio

José Manuel canalejas - 2024-06-25

Perfecto para un regalo.

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