KLM Dutch Caribbean - Curacao, Aruba, and Bonaire have been added to the  high risk country list. The travel restrictions for travel from these  countries to the Netherlands have been adjusted. Travelers

KLM Dutch Caribbean - Curacao, Aruba, and Bonaire have been added to the high risk country list. The travel restrictions for travel from these countries to the Netherlands have been adjusted. Travelers


Opciones Disponibles

KLM Dutch Caribbean - Curacao, Aruba, and Bonaire have been added to the  high risk country list. The travel restrictions for travel from these  countries to the Netherlands have been adjusted. Travelers
KLM Dutch Caribbean - Curacao, Aruba, and Bonaire have been added to the high risk country list. The travel restrictions for travel from these countries to the Netherlands have been adjusted. Travelers

Un total de 5 invitados hicieron comentarios

Grégoire Tondut - 2024-06-24

Muy bellas

Bruno - 2024-06-24

perfecto, correspondiente a la descripción!

Santy - 2024-06-26

Talla bien y buena calidad

monleon - 2024-06-27

Es el segundo par que me compro de estar marca, me encantan sus diseños totalmente distintos e innovadores. Son muy ligeros, Flexibles, y resultan muy comodos, se ajustan comodo un guante. Los materiales son de buena calidad

sara - 2024-06-26

Estas se las regalé a mi madre para el cumple.

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