Carp Fishing Hall of Fame - Peter Mohan Peter started carp fishing in the  mid 1940s, but really came to the fore in the 1970s and 1980s. He founded  (with the late

Carp Fishing Hall of Fame - Peter Mohan Peter started carp fishing in the mid 1940s, but really came to the fore in the 1970s and 1980s. He founded (with the late


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Carp Fishing Hall of Fame - Peter Mohan Peter started carp fishing in the  mid 1940s, but really came to the fore in the 1970s and 1980s. He founded  (with the late
Carp Fishing Hall of Fame - Peter Mohan Peter started carp fishing in the mid 1940s, but really came to the fore in the 1970s and 1980s. He founded (with the late

Un total de 4 invitados hicieron comentarios

Txolintxu - 2024-06-22

Diseño muy bonito.

Aurora - 2024-06-22

Son para entrenos y cumplen muy bien su función y el precio va bien. Buena compra.

leire - 2024-06-21

Calidad extra

Marta - 2024-06-23

Perfectas pero pedí mi nº y me van muy justas. Quizás con el tiempo se adapten mejor. De momento van muy justas

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