Sollys Anglers Nsp on X: Dr Daniel Marthe fished klipkoppie in December  2017 with great success as seen in these photo's all fish were between 10 u0026  20kg and safely released #carp #

Sollys Anglers Nsp on X: Dr Daniel Marthe fished klipkoppie in December 2017 with great success as seen in these photo's all fish were between 10 u0026 20kg and safely released #carp #


Opciones Disponibles

Sollys Anglers Nsp on X: Dr Daniel Marthe fished klipkoppie in December  2017 with great success as seen in these photo's all fish were between 10 u0026  20kg and safely released #carp #
Sollys Anglers Nsp on X: Dr Daniel Marthe fished klipkoppie in December 2017 with great success as seen in these photo's all fish were between 10 u0026 20kg and safely released #carp #

Un total de 4 invitados hicieron comentarios

Elias - 2024-06-14

Parece buen producto, ya os dire que tal con el uso

Sindy Valenzuela - 2024-06-13

Se adapta perfectamente La entrega fue rápida. Todo es genial

Van Meuter - 2024-06-12

Asesorar corresponde a mis expectativas.

Vic - 2024-06-13

Muy buena calidad. El color es muy bonito, como el de la foto de venta.

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