Bought this 1986 Nissan Bluebird this week. As you can see I'm very happy  with it! Anyone have tips for wheels and suspension that fit old cars like  this one? I'm from

Bought this 1986 Nissan Bluebird this week. As you can see I'm very happy with it! Anyone have tips for wheels and suspension that fit old cars like this one? I'm from


Beschikbare opties

Bought this 1986 Nissan Bluebird this week. As you can see I'm very happy  with it! Anyone have tips for wheels and suspension that fit old cars like  this one? I'm from
Bought this 1986 Nissan Bluebird this week. As you can see I'm very happy with it! Anyone have tips for wheels and suspension that fit old cars like this one? I'm from

In totaal 4 gasten hebben commentaar gegeven

John - 2024-06-25

Het formaat en de kwaliteit voldoen aan uw verwachtingen.

Julie Beardall - 2024-06-25

Ik ben erg blij met mijn aankoop die in alle opzichten in overeenstemming is met mijn verwachtingen.

Lamya E Veldkamp - 2024-06-27

Goede kwaliteit. Heb deze al eerder gekocht, en nogmaals besteld omdat ik er erg tevreden over ben.

Morena  - 2024-06-28

Fijne producten weer. Deze ook, superzacht.

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