Sam Smith makes a bold statement in a pair of heavily distressed jeans as  they arrive in Sydney ahead of back-to-back concerts as part of their  Australia GLORIA tour | Daily Mail

Sam Smith makes a bold statement in a pair of heavily distressed jeans as they arrive in Sydney ahead of back-to-back concerts as part of their Australia GLORIA tour | Daily Mail


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Sam Smith makes a bold statement in a pair of heavily distressed jeans as  they arrive in Sydney ahead of back-to-back concerts as part of their  Australia GLORIA tour | Daily Mail
Sam Smith makes a bold statement in a pair of heavily distressed jeans as they arrive in Sydney ahead of back-to-back concerts as part of their Australia GLORIA tour | Daily Mail

In totaal 4 gasten hebben commentaar gegeven

cyndie - 2024-06-25

Het item is eerder aangekomen, wat goed is, het past ook bij mij. Ik hou echt van ... dank je

Julie - 2024-06-24

Zit goed en passend, goede kwaliteit product

Paolo - 2024-06-26

Tijdige levering en product perfect intact.

RakeshY - 2024-06-24

Wat ik vooral goed vind: mooie pasvorm, goede prijs/kwaliteitverhouding.

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