Not quite as bad as Nike's Black and Tan mess from a few years back, but  here is the Adidas St. Patrick's day offering, featuring a lucky four leaf  clover and the

Not quite as bad as Nike's Black and Tan mess from a few years back, but here is the Adidas St. Patrick's day offering, featuring a lucky four leaf clover and the


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Not quite as bad as Nike's Black and Tan mess from a few years back, but  here is the Adidas St. Patrick's day offering, featuring a lucky four leaf  clover and the
Not quite as bad as Nike's Black and Tan mess from a few years back, but here is the Adidas St. Patrick's day offering, featuring a lucky four leaf clover and the

In totaal 5 gasten hebben commentaar gegeven

Mike - 2024-06-23

Item zoals beschreven. Supersnelle levering, gisteren de volgende dag besteld. Daarom heb ik meteen een andere besteld. Dank je wel

JochemLoskamp - 2024-06-23

Past in de normale maat die je hebt en maakt echt een goede indruk. Ik zou opnieuw kopen.

anoniem - 2024-06-27

comfortabel en ademt goed. Aanbevolen.

Thimon C Soldaat - 2024-06-27

makkelijk te bestellen en snelle levering. Super tevreden.

Wesleyyk - 2024-06-24

Het voldoet aan onze verwachting en was er lekker snel

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