Berlin, Germany. 14th Jan, 2014. A sports shoe of US label Reebok is  pictured during the fashion fair 'Bread u0026 Butter' in the former Tempelhof  airport in Berlin, Germany, 14 January 2014.

Berlin, Germany. 14th Jan, 2014. A sports shoe of US label Reebok is pictured during the fashion fair 'Bread u0026 Butter' in the former Tempelhof airport in Berlin, Germany, 14 January 2014.


Opciones Disponibles

Berlin, Germany. 14th Jan, 2014. A sports shoe of US label Reebok is  pictured during the fashion fair 'Bread u0026 Butter' in the former Tempelhof  airport in Berlin, Germany, 14 January 2014.
Berlin, Germany. 14th Jan, 2014. A sports shoe of US label Reebok is pictured during the fashion fair 'Bread u0026 Butter' in the former Tempelhof airport in Berlin, Germany, 14 January 2014.

Un total de 4 invitados hicieron comentarios

Sandy - 2024-06-21

Presente para mi nieto

Trax - 2024-06-20

La combinación de color esta muy bien. Muy contento con la compra.

JOSE JAVIER - 2024-06-23

Guauuuu son geniales y súper chulas. Tal cual las fotos. Las he recibido hoy y súper contenta.

Misqué - 2024-06-22

Me han gustado mucho. Es lo que me esperaba y encima luego de comprarlas a un buen precio.

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