Looking for help identifying these. Inside says “sample not for resale”.  Look like an unreleased/sample of one the Reebok Iversons. Any help  identifying/value would be appreciated! Saw them at local flee market

Looking for help identifying these. Inside says “sample not for resale”. Look like an unreleased/sample of one the Reebok Iversons. Any help identifying/value would be appreciated! Saw them at local flee market


Options disponibles

Looking for help identifying these. Inside says “sample not for resale”.  Look like an unreleased/sample of one the Reebok Iversons. Any help  identifying/value would be appreciated! Saw them at local flee market
Looking for help identifying these. Inside says “sample not for resale”. Look like an unreleased/sample of one the Reebok Iversons. Any help identifying/value would be appreciated! Saw them at local flee market

Un total de 5 invités ont fait des commentaires

Vandenmessinck - 2024-06-23

Recu tres vite.

Dodo - 2024-06-24

Tendance, taillant parfaitement bien, confortable, je risque de craquer pour une paire pour moi cette fois ci !!

Jérôme Behem - 2024-06-27

Elles sont de très bonne qualité et les coutures sont bien faites.

Attila Gazdag - 2024-06-26

Joli modèle conforme à la photo. Taille exactement. En plus, Très contente de mon achat.

Petronela 36 - 2024-06-27

mais pour l'instant pour la marche c'est parfait , très confortable.

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