Footaction on X: Change the game. Reebok altered their icons with bold  color-blockings and branding to bring some retros up to modern speed with  the help of Bodega Bamz, Jay IDK, and

Footaction on X: Change the game. Reebok altered their icons with bold color-blockings and branding to bring some retros up to modern speed with the help of Bodega Bamz, Jay IDK, and


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Footaction on X: Change the game. Reebok altered their icons with bold  color-blockings and branding to bring some retros up to modern speed with  the help of Bodega Bamz, Jay IDK, and
Footaction on X: Change the game. Reebok altered their icons with bold color-blockings and branding to bring some retros up to modern speed with the help of Bodega Bamz, Jay IDK, and

Un total de 4 invités ont fait des commentaires

cyril - 2024-06-27

Franchement très surpris de la bonne qualité, assez légère et look sympa.

Pierre - 2024-06-26

Toujours aussi agréables pour la marche ou le sport, légères et confortable. Vintage mais jamais démodées.

mama13 - 2024-06-25

bon rapport qualité prix.

Silena Doganoz - 2024-06-28

mais pour le moment c'est bon, ça corespond bien a la taille que j'ai pris.

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