Legit check please, My friend bought this parajumpers jacket for cheap by  an old friend of Mine but later suspected that it might be fake, He gave it  to me for christmas

Legit check please, My friend bought this parajumpers jacket for cheap by an old friend of Mine but later suspected that it might be fake, He gave it to me for christmas


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Legit check please, My friend bought this parajumpers jacket for cheap by  an old friend of Mine but later suspected that it might be fake, He gave it  to me for christmas
Legit check please, My friend bought this parajumpers jacket for cheap by an old friend of Mine but later suspected that it might be fake, He gave it to me for christmas

Un total de 3 invités ont fait des commentaires

Anna - 2024-06-22

donc rien a dire c'est 10/10 pour moi coté confort.

Robot-Man - 2024-06-20

La taille et la qualité sont à la hauteur de vos attentes.

cousin ghislaine - 2024-06-22

Le tissu semble assez épais/de bonne qualité, et devrait donc bien tenir dans le temps.

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